Henry Gomez is to replace Alex Kazim as President of Skype. Just over a year ago Gomez took on his role as general manager of Skype North America to provide a focus for enhancing Skype’s performance and growth in North America. From there he has progressed to CMO & Director of Operations for Skype and now gets the top job.
Kazim, joined Skype from eBay and is now returning to eBay, where he previously spent eight years, to work on strategic projects.
First Justus, then Linton now Gomez and Kazim… there are still some key management appointments to come in key areas of eBay‘s business before everyone is in their allotted slot. There’s an awful lot of people reporting to Bill Cobb now, who reports directly to John Donahue. However with the new cross-functional teams one wonders just how rigid the lines of management will be, bearing in mind the new positions are created to give greater flexibility and pass decision making ability to those in the front line.