eBay have revamped the eBay University pages on the site and opened bookings for the four 2007 Universities. eBay say that the locations have yet to be confirmed, however on another page they are showing to be those predicted by TameBay.
It looks like a great line up and the timetable is pretty close to our expectations. It really does appear eBay UK are pulling out all the stops to make eBay education as good as it can be this year.
It is worth noting at this point that the UK is streets ahead of the US on education for it’s sellers. In the US they only offer Selling Basics and Beyond the Basics courses. In fact Griff recently published a letter from an attendee who requested more advanced courses. Maybe the eBay could send Griff an invite to eBay University in the UK, so that he can see how it should be done 😉