eBay University is back in town (or will be soon). Our friend Dan Wilson was first to break the news with the dates for 2007 confirmed as:-
April 21st: Coventry
June 9th: London
Sept 22nd: Glasgow
Nov 10th: Manchester
As Dan hinted with only four they’re going to be bigger and better than ever this year. The “Selling Basics” course will remain as a full day stream as it was last year but the other courses change dramatically. Gone is the set structure and in comes four sets of classes with attendees able to select the topics that appeal most to them.
Now presenters will really have to make their content compelling or they’ll end up with empty rooms in preference to other speakers while the better more relevant subjects will be overflowing. I do hope they bring in a more interactive hands on approach to match the new syllabus, a workshop environment would suit some topics so much better.
Rumour has it that the eBay University team also want to bring the Nags Head community board to life in some way… well that’s easy, serve Stella during the lunch break :-p
Now for the unreleased nitty gritty of it (Please note the full agenda has yet to be fully confirmed)
Selling Basics Course
Selling basics parts 1, 2 and 3, Getting your item found and a “Power Hour” (Time to talk to powersellers)
Advanced courses
Stream 1
Safe Trading, eBay Marketing 101, Strategy and Tactics, Scale up with Tools and shops and Basic eBay Finance
Stream 2
PayPal for Professionals, Data Driven Decision Making, Tax and VAT, Branding and Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, and Strategies
Stream 3
eBay Express and DoorOne (shopping.com), Advanced TurboLister and File Exchange, SMP, PayPal for Professionals and Safe Trading
Wow! Looks like it’s going to hard to choose between some of those streams, a good argument for attending more than one University throughout the year!
One Response
Thanks very much.
It certainly looks as though there is going to be a rather large improvement.
Thanks fuys for the extra info x