If you have an eBay Shop, you probably used to see a line of links across the top of your listings, showing which category and subcategory your listing was in. They were small links, but beautifully formed, enabling buyers to easily move up one level and see other items in your shop, even if they’d found you through a core listing rather than through your shop front. They were great… and now they’ve gone.
I noticed the links being missing a few days ago – though who knows when they actually went – from all my own Shops, and from those of half a dozen other sellers I’ve looked at. I assumed it was a temporary glitch, but obviously not. It remains to be seen whether this is another bug that will eventually be put right, or one more nail in the coffin of eBay Shops.
4 Responses
This used to be optionally set by the seller in the listing frame section of manage your shop. I know, I set it but the option has disappeared! 🙁
Obtusely the help page still states it’s an option. eBay need to fix this – there’s no reason for eliminating it 🙁
Sue and Chris, they removed the breadcrumbs on the .com several weeks ago.
Just go to the US Stores Board and search on breadcrumb. Here is what eBay said.
Dear Stores Sellers,
Thank you for posting to the Stores Board. You are all correct in noting that the breadcrumb is no longer displaying on the View Item Page.
The back-end technical resources required to support this feature were too high for the benefit it delivered to both buyers and sellers. Given the low usage and adoption of this feature, we decided to utilize these resources for more high impact features. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Many of you noted that the breadcrumb was the only way for buyers to browse through your Store Categories, this is not so. We would like to remind you that the left navigation bar of the Stores Listing Frame accomplishes this in a more effective way than the breadcrumb did. The Listing Frame is a simple, effective way for you to help buyers discover the full range of items available in your Store. Access this feature in Manage My Store
If you have any further comments about this issue, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Regards, eBay Stores Team
Hi Randy, thanks for the info! 🙂
Would be good if eBay let users know these things…. now all they need to do (if breadcrumbs have gone for good) is fix the darn help pages to match the reality of the site!
Ah, thanks Randy – never thought about checking the Stores board.
However, I disagree with the Pink that the listing frame is a replacement for the breadcrumb trail. At least on .co.uk and .fr, it only shows the top 30 categories – so if you have a lot of categories and subcategories (30 really isn’t many!!), they don’t show. Yet again, people at eBay don’t have a clue either how stores work, or how they are used X-(