eBay have warned buyers and sellers alike that there may be delays in Royal Mail post for payments and deliveries of purchases due to Friday’s Industrial Action. They’re asking eBayers to be patient over the next few days.
There are already knock on effects, many companies have already made alternative arrangements and so many have switched to ParcelForce for the day they’re about to stop taking orders. There’s a notice on the ParcelForce website warning they’ll be unable to accept more collections requests after Wednesday this week.
This comes on top ParcelForce cancelling collections from Doncaster, Sheffield and parts of Yorkshire due to adverse weather conditions.
So what can eBayers do to minimise postal disruption? Well firstly of course post early wherever possible. Make use of services such as Special Delivery – although Thursday collections won’t be guaranteed for delivery on Friday any Special Delivery items posted Friday will be delivered by Monday. Post early in the day – There will be a single collection from street pillar boxes and some 14,000 post offices that will remain open, although this may be at an earlier time than normal. Unfortunately business collections will be cancelled on Friday so sellers who normally have mail collected will need to use a post office.
Finally if you want to keep up with the latest postal arrangements visit the special page on the Royal Mail Website.