You’d be forgiven for thinking that Friday morning maintenance had come early today, as various bits of eBay are not looking anything like they should. SMP in particular is causing confusion, as everything but the left navigation bar seems to have disappeared: scroll down a bit and it’s probably all still there – though some sellers are reporting they can’t access sections of SMP at all.
Lest anyone think this is just aimed at sellers, search results too are sometimes appearing without proper page styling, making them almost incomprehensible.
No doubt it’ll be fixed in a while, so maybe this is the day to take a few hours off eBay and start working on your website?
8 Responses
I just mentioned that in the forum, I am wondering if it is a firefox problem as other sites I use are not displaying correctly but in IE ebay is fine, can someone else check?
It’s not just FF, Whirly – I’m using IE and it’s just the same.
Just refreshed and yes it’s IE aswell.
IE and Firefox here.
SYI also borked.
Don’t know if will work for you but if you click on selling manager pro link , top left of your page it works fine now.
Yep, okay now here too.
I’m so glad I wasn’t trying to work this morning and had a planned day off 😮