Play roulette with your listings

No primary category set

The duration that you selected for your original listing is no longer available. Please select a different duration and resubmit your listing.

That’s what I get whenever I try to relist items today using bulk relist from My eBay. I’m guessing I’m not the only one affected, and as you probably guessed there’s nothing wrong with the duration selected on those listings!

Just to make it more fun eBay are playing a game of listing roulette, if you try to bulk relist the same set of listings again it’ll pick a different selection to fail. If you try, try and try again you’ll probably get all your unsold items relisted, but if not have a go with Turbolister – at least that appears to be working 🙂

3 Responses

  1. The word I hear is that today’s update is causing this problem – so if your TL is okay at the moment, please, please turn off automatic updates til next week – and don’t go downloading anything just now!

  2. It’s not the update I’ve already done that 😮 If you’re having issues with TL try turning off automatic fee calculation and you’ll have better luck uploading, at least that did the trick for me 🙂


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