The postal workers’ union have announced a two week campaign of strike action beginning next week. The CWU plan to have different sections of the workforce strike for two days within the fortnight, which they say will cause “two weeks of continuous disruption to mail services”. The plan of rolling action is, they say, “designed to hit Royal Mail harder at minimum cost to our members“.
I’m sure the thousands of small businesses in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, whose trade will be damaged by this action, will take little comfort from the thought that postal workers aren’t losing too much pay over this: and in fact, with all the overtime they’re getting to clear up after the strike, are probably turning a profit.
One thing’s for certain, though: many of us are now finding alternatives to Royal Mail, and as we all know, a customer you’ve lost is doubly difficult to win back. Perhaps RM workers might like to give a thought to the long term costs of this strike. I for one will have little sympathy when (and I believe it is now *when*, not if) they find they’ve ‘striked’ themselves out of a job.
7 Responses
Lemmings leaping of the cliff
wish I had shares in DHL
Oh great 🙁 It’s been stressful enough placating buyers following the two one day strikes – happy days ahead.
I dont have any sympathy with them at all.
Three years ago all my outgoing parcels were delivered via Royal Mail.
One year ago 70% of my parcels were delivered via Royal Mail
Today about 25% of my parcels are delivered via Royal Mail
Tomorrow…… 😯
I do wonder whether the staff of Royal Mail realise what they’re doing to the company they work for.
They are making the case for the complete dissolution of Royal Mail with these actions. I regret that.
many years ago in another life I was a shipyard worker on tyneside,
the union beat the drum about workers rights and fair deals etc
not many shipyard workers on the tyne now
they priced themselves off the market
Norf’s right. This strike keeps getting compared to the miners’. Not many miners left in Yorkshire now either 🙁