There's something phishy about eBay

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So as I mentioned in the forum, one of my IDs has been made a powerseller this weekend. Sadly my delight at receiving this ultimate eBay accolade has been slightly overshadowed by the frankly phishy nature of the communications I’ve received from eBay.

Firstly, the email has come via – uh – email: there’s not a sign of it in My Messages. Considering that appearance or not in My Messages is supposed to be the yardstick of a genuine communication, this isn’t good. Being the suspicious type I am, I went to the Powerseller Portal and signed up there, rather than using the button in the email. Then there’s the fact that over the last 48 hours, I’ve received three copies of the same email. I know they love me, but I got the message the first time 😀

However, most worrying (and this is what I’ll be writing to Support about today) is the fact that the emails were all addressed to an ID which was changed almost a year ago. If eBay can’t get my ID right, how on earth am I supposed to tell their messages from the phishers’?

So two points in conclusion:

  • even if you think it’s from eBay, don’t click the link in the email: go through the links on the site, and
  • even if you think it’s phishing, it might sometimes be worth checking out!

2 Responses

  1. Some eBay messages don’t show up in My Messages, and some eBay messages actually have links to click on that take you to the actual site. It’s never really 100% consistent

  2. That ambiguity is the most dangerous thing, I think, John: if it were safe to say genuine messages are ALWAYS in My Messages, that would be an easy way for inexperienced eBayers to tell what’s real and what’s not. I really think that this would be an easy thing for eBay to fix.



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