How to: Picking the Gallery picture you want

eBay’s normal default with Gallery pictures is to use the same photo you have at the top of your listing. Sometimes, this can be what you want – but often, it’s not. What looks like a good photo at 400 pixels square can look terrible at 96 or 64 pixels square, the Gallery defaults. Maybe you want to show a detail of your item instead of a almost-invisible picture of the whole? Maybe you want to brand your listings with your logo, or “SALE!” or “NEW!”. There are many reasons why you might want to use a different Gallery picture. And because a few people, including eBay’s nicest smelling seller, TropicanaUK, have asked me about this recently, here is how to do it.

Using the SYI form

If you’re using eBay’s picture hosting:

  • Scroll down to Add Pictures, click the button and add the pictures that you want to use on the listing, including the Gallery picture.
  • Bear in mind that only the first picture is free, so you will be paying eBay an extra 12p to host your Gallery picture.
  • Upload the pictures.
  • If the picture that you want isn’t showing in the search results mock-up, click the “Change Gallery picture” button, and select the one you want.

Easy, but expensive!

If you’re hosting your own pictures, it’s pretty straight-forward.

  • Click the “Add Pictures” button.
  • Add the url of the big picture to the Picture URL box.
  • Tick the Gallery box, and add the url of the Gallery picture to the Gallery Picture URL box.
  • That’s it!

Using Turbo Lister

Listing via TL, as far as I can see (someone correct me if I’m wrong), there is no way to avoid using “picture 1” for your Gallery picture if you are using eBay-hosted pictures.

  • To switch from eBay-hosted to self-hosted, click “customise” at the top right of the Create New Item form,
  • then click Pictures and Description, and change to self-hosted.
  • Going back to the Listing Upgrades section, you should now have some extra boxes under the Gallery checkbox.
  • Select Gallery URL, and input the url of your Gallery picture.

Hope that’s useful – happy listing!



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