I’ve just had a buyer complain that he was charged full price for an item he purchased at a discounted price. Markdown Manager allows you to discount Shop Inventory Format items and it was a marked down item this buyer bought.
He found the item, liked the price, read the description and then clicked the buy it now button, the problem is that the sale ended at exactly 10pm this evening. It was just before 10pm when he clicked onto the listing and just after 10pm when he clicked to confirm the purchase. That meant he was on a page that showed a discounted price once he’d confirmed the price had gone up!
Imagine walking into a high street shop, picking a sale item up from a shelf and by the time you got to the checkout to pay the sale had ended. I’m not sure what the solution on eBay is, but it’s definately not a good buyer experience. Luckily my buyer is understanding and by giving free postage he’s getting the price he expected within a few pence.
One thing is for certain though, next time I run a Markdown Manager sale it’ll be finishing in the early hours of the morning when hopefully no one will be in the middle of making a purchase!