You can get cash back on purchases paid into your PayPal account, and half the time you don’t even have to use PayPal to pay!
Rewards Online already offer money back on purchases and if you have (or apply for) a PayPal credit card they’ll give you 20% more cashback in the future!
It all sounds ideal, I have a PayPal account, I have a PayPal credit card, so why aren’t I rushing to sign up? Well there’s one simple reason. I’m dead lazy and forgetful, that means I’ll never actually earn any cash back.
The snag is that to qualify for cash back you have to log into the Rewards Online website and from their click through to the online store you want to shop from. I quite honestly will NEVER remember to do that. I might once or twice, but I won’t remember that I can get a discount from B&Q but not from Homebase, or that eBay offer 12p cashback for a purchase but Amazon don’t.
If you’re disciplined enough to check whether any site your purchase from is registered with Rewards Online there’s savings to be made, but don’t forget to log in before you go shopping or there’ll be no rebate! Oh and if you spend more than £10,000 on eBay they won’t give you your 12p rebate either!
4 Responses
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !
It about as close as you can get to ‘incentivising’ eBay affiliate linked auctions, and if Rewards Online can be used as a ‘precedent’ then we could all offer £5.00 ‘credit/cash back/call it what you want’ for each ACRU 😉
I don’t think you can, Eddie – against the terms of the affiliate program, I believe.
Yep, I know Sue ( I asked ages ago) 🙁
I was inferring that sites like the Rewards one are bordering on breaking that very same rule ?
Ah, but you know how it is, Eddie. Do what eBay say, not as they do… which reminds me I must write the post about off-site links today X-(