Sale prices now show in feedback

There has been a change to the way feedback is left for sale items discounted with Markdown Manager. Previously the item price shown in feedback would be the price the item was listed at, not the discounted price. This has now changed and if a buyer purchases at a sale price the feedback now shows what was actually paid.

Many sellers aren’t pleased at this change, they don’t necessarily want buyers knowing what price they’d be willing to accept. In practise buyers can check bidding history so the feedback reflecting this price shouldn’t make too much of a difference. I personally find it interesting that when Feedback 2.0 was first introduced there were people complaining that sale items didn’t show the discounted price. I guess you can never please everyone all the time 😉

While eBay are updating feedback to reflect actual selling prices rather than listed prices it’s a shame they haven’t addressed multiple item sales. Frequently buyers will pay many times the price shown in feedback. For a sale of ten items £30.00 each future buyers don’t get the reassurance that someone spent £300.00 in one transaction. The feedback only reveals the sale of a single item at £30.00.

If eBay are going to show actual sale prices in feedback this should reflect high value multiple item transactions as well as lower marked down prices.


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