Smarter Shop searches

A nice tweak today – or maybe I only just noticed it! – to eBay Shop searches: the same smart searching you get on the main site now works in shop-internal searches too. Searches that return zero results, but some close matches now show you the close matches:

"did you mean..." shop searches

I still think that eBay are sadly under-utilising the power of eBay Shops (Stores in the US, Boutiques in France and so on), but these little tweaks they are making in the way that Shops’ search results are presented do at least make them easier to use once you have the buyer in the door.



How many Featured and Anchor stores on eBay UK just got packaging vouchers?


Etsy Shop product order display tests


IR Top500 Merchandising Report – Learning from Search

eBay-New-Logo-Feat offers more free listings to sellers in the US

eBay-Store-Feat hikes stores fees to discourage use

Featured in this article from the ChannelX Guide – companies that can help you grow and manage your business.


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