I’m going to be busy this afternoon, Best Offer Auto Accept has now been added to TurboLister. I’ll be editing all my live auctions and templates to reflect the change and from now on my customers will receive blindingly quick responses when they submit Best Offers.
This really is a fantastic change, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve got home in the evening and checked my emails to find a Best Offer submitted for an auction that ended whilst I was out. From today (or at least from later when the edits are done) I’ll never lose another sale just because I’m away from my computer.
I know the changes to Best Offer – Auto Accept/Decline, Counter Offers, 3 offers in all categories etc have been widely welcomed by sellers and it’s been long overdue for implementation. I don’t think even eBay themselves realise just what a major impact this will have for the speed transactions can be processed and the huge benefits for both buyers and sellers.
The final part of the current planned rollout will be the ability to see and manage counter offers in My eBay. That’s planned for next year but in the mean time emails and My Messages have details of counter offers made and recieved.
Best Offers gets my vote for the “Best Site Change of the Year 2007” award (do eBay get awards? 😀 ). It really is a fantastic enhancement and possibly the best automation tool on the site and it’s live just in time for the busy Christmas selling season 🙂
7 Responses
Tip No.1 for auto Best Offers
It occurs to me… on shop inventory items if you’re likely to use Markdown Manager to create sales make sure your auto decline is set below the price you’ll mark the goods down to in the future! 😉
do eBay get awards?
Well… maybe they should? 😉
Best Pink?
You leave the house? 😮
Best Pink?? That’s a toughie, there are so many and they’re all nice!
Newt… of course I leave the house, I have to get beer stocks now and again 😛
Yeah, Newt, he does leave the house: he goes as far as next door where he can still pick up his wireless networking 😀
Well they have beer next door if I run out 😀 What’s a guy meant to do? 😛
(And I don’t need to pick up my network… I installed theirs and can happily use it too 😉 )
And it’s started already “You automatically accepted”
How sweet is that to see Best Offers accepted without any intervention from me 😀