Springsteen promoter "takes precautions" against eBayers

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The promotor of Bruce Springsteen’s May 2008 gigs in Dublin has promised to try to keep tickets for concert-going fans and out of the hands of eBay sellers. Tickets will be limited to two per purchaser, and will be sold through town centre outlets as well os via the internet.

Promotor Peter Aiken said “We will be taking all possible steps to ensure that people buying tickets are real fans planning to be at the RDS and not speculators about to auction them off on eBay.” However, he covered himself against blame for the reseller market which will inevitably arise, saying that “once tickets go on sale matters can be taken out of our hands.” What he failed to explain was why, once buyers have paid his price, they shouldn’t be free to sell on the tickets if they choose to.

Fans of The Boss were furious when tickets for the Belfast concert sold out within minutes, only to reappear almost immediately on eBay at prices up to three times the face value.

3 Responses

  1. cany understand what all the whingings about

    why dont they just liost the lot on ebay @ 99p stat

    and forget all the self righteous bollocks,
    these people are only concerned because they are not making the profit,

  2. or better still why do they not list them on ebay in their own right at their initial cost price . in an auction format
    anything extra realised is than donated to a charity


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