It’s a busy time of year and most sellers are run off their feet packing orders, but imagine packing 50,000 orders on your own. That’s what Sue has just achieved, and at the same time has just received her 10,000th unique feedback becoming a Shooting Star on eBay!
I’m totally in awe of Sue. Most sellers on eBay that are Shooting Stars work for a company with employees, but Sue has packed every one of those 50,000 orders on her own. 10,000 separate customers have purchased five times each on average, and that’s a tribute to the service she gives.
I always think I know eBay pretty well, but Sue has ten times the experience that I do. I’m immensely proud to be her co-blogger and can’t thank her enough for the times she’s helped me over the years.
Sue has a truly amazing record on eBay, her repeat sales have long been the envy of many sellers, her feedback is outstanding, and 50,000 feedbacks is probably the highest number anyone has ever had at the time of achieving their Shooting Star.
I should point out that Sue forbade me from doing this post dismissing it with the comment “Feedback doesn’t pay the bills”. I’m probably in big trouble now but she deserves recognition for her fantastic eBay business, so…
Sue I salute you, you’re amazing!
21 Responses
Oh well done Biddy!!!!
Set off the fireworks and other high fivey things…
Congratulations Sue, well done 🙂
Amazing achievement! – Well done 😉
From all of us here at Bling! It HQ
Well done Sue a fantastic achievement, off to look at my feedback and sulk 🙂
Well done Sue! Make sure you celebrate your marvellous achievement!
K&J x
It’s a remarkable acheivement. I can’t think of a comparable record when it comes to repeat custom.
Dan xxx
OMG! Well done you! I think I would die from exhaustion if I had to pack that many orders in the equivalent of dog food!
Thanks guys.
I salute the niceness of my customers, who are truly lovely people.
Well done Sue. What a star…… or should that be shooting star now. 🙂
That is a major achievement Sue, congratulations. 🙂
Congrats Sue 🙂
Well done, Sue 😀
Awesome, Sue, just awesome! So how many beads would that equate to? 🙂
How many million beads indeed lol
Well done Sue 😀
And what a lovely post Chris, brought tears to my eyes -x
Well done Sue 🙂
Well done Sue xx
Big achievement
Well done Sue. Its a fantastic achievement.
Congratulations Sue. An amazing accomplishment
Echoing applause, well done Sue. By the way you can’t pass the buck back for your achievement to your customers, by saying they are “truly lovely people.” They would not all be truly lovely, REPEAT buying CUSTOMERS if they were not getting outstanding customer service and the famous “buyer experience”. So take a step back and enjoy a warm glow of satisfaction, it sounds like you deserve it! But don’t glow too long as it doesn’t sound like you will have the spare time with all those beads to pack! 🙂
Well Done !
Congrats on the milestone !!!! Superb achievement !!!
Hope you celebrated in style 🙂
Does this mean we have to bow to you now?
Well done Sue x
Excellent Sue – that is a huge achievement, and a testament to the customer service you offer,
Suz x