Tomorrow is Friday, and Fridays are always the day that eBay carry out site maintenance. This week however they’ve given advance notice that it’s a big one and aff_link("","checkout will be totally unavailable","","UK"); ?> along with other site features intermittently unavailable between 7am and 8am.
Take the opportunity to start the weekend early with a lay in and turn up for work late. There’s really no point beating your head against the wall trying to print orders off and ship items until at least 9am, although I’d recommend a more civilised 10am start to the working day giving buyers a chance to pay. After all, it’s not often that you have a genuine excuse to take life easy 🙂
4 Responses
its no big deal I can remember when you could not even log on the site for most of a friday morning then everything was tits up until monday
It were all fields then……
Aye, level fields & all 😀
lol @ Uncle Sam 😆