Just a quick note to say that as requested by Lynne, Jade and others, it’s now possible to edit comments. You have two three minutes (approximately) from leaving your comment in which you can edit it: after that time, the edit function will not be available.
Please feel free to have a play with this function in the comments on this post 😉 If you have any problem with it, PLEASE PLEASE leave me a comment including what error message you got, if any, and exactly what you saw and how that differed from what you were expecting to see. Also let me know what browser you’re using. (Mac people, that goes double for you; my current Mac testing facilities are horribly out of date, so I’m relying on you 🙂 )
46 Responses
Hoorah now I dont have to look stuch a twit!
It works, the 2 minute deadline adds a littkle extra panic ❗ , but it works, well done Biddy! 😀
Im using firefox, on vista. and you have to actually click on the text, but the cursor doesnt change to a hand “link” or anything so was not sure it was gonna work but it did.
All I can think of is the countdown them tune 🙂 oh what joy!
2 minutes can be changed if it’s not long enough – but I want to keep it short enough that people can’t (for example) see that a later poster has disagreed with them, and go back and change the post based on that. It should be used for clarification, spelling, etc., not for changing tack completely.
I should also say the world’s biggest thank you to Ronald from the Reader Appreciation Project for the lovely, lovely plugin. All WP users should be using this one IMHO.
Ba-da, ba-da, ba-da-ba-da… PEW!!!
hmm, I agree it would be unproductive to have everyone being able to edit and re-edit their view point to make the following posts seem out of date. I think that maybe 3 mins would take some of the stress out of it?
Okay, I made it three minutes. I’m not sure that’s not a bit long sometimes, but lets see how it goes.
don’t listen to me anyway, I don’t know what I’m on about half the time! 😯
Shush, you’re here expressing an opinion, which wins you a lot of points 😆
It’s really down to the speed of the conversation. 3 mins ought to be short enough that no one jumps in and responds immediately, but it’s not always that way… we’ll just have to stop mentioning feedback and eBid 😆
3 mins is fine for the sort of “oh my god I didn’t half go on” that I get within roughly 15 seconds of pressing “send”…. 🙄 🙄
Yup, working fine… and I get a cute countdown too…
Houston, we have lift off….
Thanks Sue! 😀
I am loving this upgrade!
Biggles why don’t you ever link your signature? ❓
Jade, Biggles doesn’t want to post his eBay ID on here, which is fair enough. Keeping one’s head down has a lot to be said for it 😉
I can put your link in it for £5 😀
PMSL – £5?? That’s cheap! Do you know how many readers we have? 😛
😉 Sue.
I covered it in a post on the tamebay forum.
Pah. I’ll do it for £4.50 😛
Chris, that’s £5 a post 😀
Hey, maybe tamebay should start an auction site section…
<<<<<<< runs
Chris, reckon we can charge Biggles a couple of quid a comment if he’s getting paid for the advertising? 😈 😀
lol @ biggles
Of course you are allowed to keep your head down, but I wanna be nosey for goodness sake! 🙄
Biggles we have an auction section already! Don’t tell me you’ve not seen it? 😯
Ha ha ha – yes lets charge him 🙂
another question… does html work ok in the comment box? I know BBcode doesn’t?
😀 it works :P:) great work guys!!!!
@ Lynne: HTML, yes.
tamebay link
ooh yesss html does work, now what can I do with that? 🙄 No I’m not talking about spam linking
I can make things bold and very big both of which are very handy sometimes…
although I promise not to do it tooooo often…. 😯
Now, now, Lynne, you know we prefer friendly pink fonts round here 😛
Mountie green anyone? 😛
Oh Sue how pretty…. Chris, you know that colour isn’t allowed anymore….
Yeah, the green is allowed so long as it’s with the nice navy I put it with. It’s the pukey orange he’s not allowed to use any more 😆
LOL I think he misses the orange you know… 🙄
I’m sure he misses the orange, but I bet his buyers don’t 😀
Hmmmm they were quality colours you know 😆
Well I bet your buyers are glad your goods outquality your colours….
He he, funny thing is I didn’t change the colours for the benefit of buyers, the old yucky ones worked just fine for years – it was done for my own non-sales benefit 😯
Nonsense, it was to stop me going on about it 😆
Edit: Oh, that *is* a non-sales benefit isn’t it 😆 😆
Ha ha ha 😆
Just testing…
what are you testing Sue?
(nosy as always…. 😳 )
Why the sidebar was broken 😛
But I think I can make you BBCode in the comments. 🙂