A dress worn by Kate Moss that was ripped when Courtney Love trod on it is up for sale on eBay. The listing doesn’t say if it’s been mended since the incident, though it does look like it could do with an iron 😉
The aff_link("https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Make-Today-Count-James-Brown-Designer-Kate-Moss-Dress_W0QQitemZ370025518364QQihZ024QQcategoryZ314QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem","dress is being sold","","UK"); ?> in aid of Cancer Research UK by James Brown, Kate’s hairstylist. He’s also selling aff_link("https://stores.ebay.co.uk/Cancer-Research-UK-Shop","clothing from other celebrities","","UK"); ?>, including David Beckham, Kelly Osbourne and Kylie Minogue.
Via Sassybella