aff_link("","The world's biggest music collection","","US"); ?> can be yours on eBay for – at the moment – a mere $3 million (approx. £1.5 million or €2 million) The collection comprises 1.5 million 45s, a million+ LPs, 300,000 CDs, thousands of 78s, and a lot of miscellaneous cassettes, eight-tracks, etc. The collection is bigger than the sound recordings archive at the Library of Congress and, “from Thomas Edison to American Idol”, represents fifty years work by its owner, Paul Mawhinney.
It’s hoped that a philanthropist or collector will buy the collection and create a museum around it. The lucky winner will also gain the rights to several cleaning and preservation products, and, so the answers to the ASQs say, “we can probably thrown in the shelves”. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for someone, and if it were in the UK, I’d be agitating for it to be bought for the nation.
Just don’t let Mr Biddy bid on it; we have enough vinyl around here already 😉
16 Responses
Firstly I dispute that this is anything like the biggest collection in the world, but if it is how mad would you have to be to sell it on ebay rather than through a real auction house with prepproved bidders, after taking out all the rarity’s?
He needs the cash to buy more clothes on ebay.
not so mad
real auction houses dont really accomodate this sort of item, the dont get the foot fall
and their commission rates are high
ebay is the specialist when it comes to this sort of item
Plus the very word “eBay” garners publicity that no auction house ever would.
though in my experiance people selling their life time passion totally over rate the actual market value
Having recently sorted out my, really not that huge, CD stash, I think this man was mental. It too me hours.
But for a giggle, check out these lovely, oh-so-american ‘publicity’ shots.
Question for the US readers here – are you REALLY more interested in the person behind the item than the item itself?
this isn’t a sarky question, I am interested to know if the cultural difference I seem to see if real or only apparent. I know my US buyers, if they are happy with an item, will give a lot of background info on themselves, and want to know about me too. As a suitably AR English person, I find this odd – no Englishman of my acquaintance would dream of that level of personality in an email.
(except my Mum of course, but then she is getting rather old and tells her life story to the butcher 🙄 )
bet ya the bbc has a fair few lumps of music hiding in the corners,
personally I really cant see the point
its like those anoraks that collect videos or magazines etc huge collections that they will never watch or read again
taking up huge areas of their homes
I wonder if my undisputed worlds largest collection of tax demand and final warning letters are worth anything
PMSL, someone’s asked him about the strike:
A: When we listed this, we were unaware of a pending boycott and certainly can’t suspend the listing now. I don’t know what the issues surrounding to boycott are, but I believe boycotts end up doing little more than irritating people peacefully trying to do business. In a free market, businesses succeed or fail one customer at a time. If you’re unhappy with eBay, take your business elsewhere, but don’t ask me to financially support your decision.
North 😀 Now that’s funny stuff
If I had $3 million buring a hole in my pocket, I would buy the lot and send it to Amazon FBA and take 5 years to sell it.
And it finally went for $3,002,150.
You’d think if six people could afford $3m they’d have been able to afford more than $2150 in loose change to win! Cheapskates! (Although I wouldn’t mind being a cheapskate with $3m in loose change 😛 )
I know, it really is like losing a £10 item by 1p 😆
On the other hand I’ve *won* items by a penny so contgrats to the winner 😆