eBay France automatically show seller addresses

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Business sellers on eBay France should be aware that from March 31st, their address, telephone number and SIRET will automatically be shown on their listings.

eBay UK sellers successfully campaigned against this change a while back, but it’s my understanding that the law in France is less flexible on this point. And in any case, by saying “we’re going to do it for you” rather than “you must do it yourself”, eBay France have precluded any refusal to comply on the part of sellers.

A returns policy must also be specified if you’re not already doing that.

eBay France have excelled themselves in making an essentially quite simple matter look incredibly complicated here. The diagram explaining what goes where in your listings looks more like a blueprint for some super-advanced piece of machinery. And the button to take you to check or modify your professional details just takes you to your default My eBay page, leaving you to try and remember where they said the page to change things was actually hidden. The page you really want is here.

With thanks to for bringing this to my attention, and TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ for the photo.

6 Responses

  1. I missed the deadline for supplying my business info on eBay.fr (this account was created long before one had to specify ‘business’ or ‘private’) – serves me right for reading the UK version of the changes, so have lost my PS status. I did the necessary (I think – the French form is long and tortuous 😮 ) and contacted le Support to ask for reinstatement. Surprisingly, received a sensible reply – apparently French-based PS who didn’t meet the 10th March deadline will be invited to re-join on 10th April.


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