For a few hours on Thursday,’s shipping calculator was working incorrectly. The bug meant that buyers of “a very small number of listings” were undercharged postage. An announcement tonight says that sellers will automatically receive a credit from eBay for the undercharged postage in the next few days.
I have to say, this is unheard of. The eBay I’ve been dealing with for the last eight years would have said “we don’t guarantee anything”, pointed angry members to the user agreement that says they don’t guarantee anything, and probably blamed sellers for not fighting with buyers over underpaid shipping charges.
The eBay that recompenses sellers for their glitches, just like the eBay that’s finally settled with MercExchange, is an eBay I can deal with. More of this, please, JD.
3 Responses
Hmm well on the day that GTC shop items that renewed and got charged for gallery even though it wasn’t on the original listing, I sent a query to Customer support – got an answer that it had been passed to the “technical” team, and that was the last I heard of it. And that was something they jolly well should have refunded!!!
Kate, do you know what’s happened with all the other people who were affected by that glitch?
No idea Sue, I was going to ask you the same thing. As I’m no longer a Powerseller I don’t have access to that forum any more and I just can’t cope with Q&A.