Skip McGrath is obviously hearing the same rumours I am, that this year’s eBay Live in Chicago may be the last. I hope it’s not true, but I wouldn’t be surprised: collecting pins, the clapping tunnel and dancing to Weird Al Yankovic seem somehow to belong to an eBay that’s gone with Meg. eBay’s execs these days seem to prefer a more business-like forum: witness JD making the big announcements about eBay changes at the Ecommerce Forum, and now Lorrie Norrington giving the keynote at PeSA’s conference.
eBay Universities also seem to be on their way out. eBay will not be running any UK universites in 2008, though Ireland still have events planned.
Personally, I think this is a shame. I can understand that eBay want to talk to the big sellers, and putting on expensive events for newbies and hobby sellers and those of us who only sell beads 😉 is a poor return on investment. But the chance to meet other sellers, network, brainstorm, and just remind oneself that eBay can be fun as well as work, this I will miss. Who’s up for organising our own event?
16 Responses
Now I’m REALLY glad that I’m going!
We just had our “On Ramp” business development call this morning and I can verify that the link you have supplied elsewhere on the site to the ebay live registration page is bona fide! Our on ramp representative, was quite concerned that it might be a phishing link! So much so in fact that she wanted the url from Tamebay so she could check it out! Have you said something to offend the ebay on ramp support staff? 😀
Oh I just got gold power seller status!! Remind me what my discount will be again 😀
30% now Jade, well done 😀
Glad to hear she approved us 🙄
Don’t worry Sue, I was being a little mischievous, I don’t think she had a problem with tamebay at all, but I’m sure that the ebay staff that speak to the great unwashed are pumped full of anti phishing advice etc. That resulted in her wanting to make sure the link was good.
30%, I’ll take that! 😀 bloomin big jump to Platinum though aint it?
I have just been made a gold powerseller too
I see there is a link to apply for an Account manager – is this worth doing?
Chris, I would apply. It can’t hurt, though I do believe there is a bit of a queue/shortage of managers, so you might not be allocated immediately. AMs are a bit like insurance, you hope you never need them but they’re good to have when you do! When I was blocked from listing on eBay France a while back, it got sorted out in under 24 hours and I believe I have my AM, the lovely Maria, to thank for that.
Although I don’t sell on ebay any longer, if there is a meet up in London, I’ll be there.
And Chris, if you have the chance to have an AM, grab it with both hands, they are great when there are problems.
Be interesting to know what appetite there is for sellers meeting up whether for commercial gain (e.g. Uni) or for the sheer fun of sharing a beer or two.
I know with no Uni planned this year there is a large sized hole in the normal calendar and that’s a shame.
Well, have at it people – what’s your preference, commercial gain or beer?
Personally I vote for a mixture, not least because then beer-meet expenses can go down as business… 😀
But I thought that it always ended up a mix anyway??
Not necessarily Lynne – there have been beer-only meets. 🙂
and you don’t end up talking business anyway? 😯
What kind of networking savvy biznis people are you then! 😆 😆
Hi Everyone
Our company, The Conference People, have managed the eBay University events for the past four years.
The good news is that we are planning a special event for the community for later in the year and it will be a combination of GOOD business and the odd beer.
We’ll let the Tamebay guys know the full details in the next few weeks.
Yippee! Nice one Matt! Am getting all excited now that I know there will be at least one eBay related event in 2008! 😀
I should ask on behalf of North…. he has historically had an open invitation (from Matt @ eBay) for free entrance to an eBay university, which he’s never taken up – will you be transferring the offer to him as he’s insistant he’ll never turn up anyway 😛
If he never turns up he’s welcome to a free place 😉
Don’t forget that many large sellers use our Catalyst event as their chance to meet with other successful eBay sellers, as well as with eBay representatives. We expect that even more will do so this year in the absence of the eBay University events.
So, I guess that makes two UK events in total this year 🙂
Matt – great to hear you have something ‘in the works’. Will that be an official eBay event or something special from The Conference People?
ChannelAdvisor UK
James, you’re too polite….
For anyone who hasn’t booked their Catalyst ticket, you need to get a move on and book it now!