eBay.com have just announced that from today until the 25th March, new Stores owners will be offered a 30 day free trial. The offer is valid for those opening a Basic or Featured Store for the first time, so will save sellers $15.95 or $49.95 for the first month. With Stores listings now a little more visible on eBay.com, now’s a great time to try out a Store if you don’t already have one.
A 30-day free trial for new Shop owners is something that eBay UK has long had, though they’re not very good at publicising it: the only mention I can find on the UK site is a note on the Shops fees page.
There’s no doubt in my mind that eBay Stores increase sales. Even if you never use SIF listings, the extra branding, ease of search and email marketing that Stores offer is worth a few quid a month. And now, at long last, it seems like eBay are starting to agree on that.
8 Responses
I know that UK users can list on .com, but can an id registered in the UK open a .com shop?
Last time I tried, No. You need to be living there. Although a couple of years ago .com released “store tune up”.
I tried it and for 2 months my shop became a store & was listed on the .com site but not UK.
In retrospect I should have left it 🙁
This link may be of interest to anyone who is thinking about opening a shop.
I’m in France, my store’s on .com. Not sure what Keith means – wherever you open your shop/store it shows up – when I’m logged into co.uk I have a shop, on .fr I have a ‘Boutique’. They show up on all sites 😕
Do you get billed French prices or US ones for your shop subs though Jo? I am in France, and have three French stores and one UK one – go figure 😆
(And what makes it more complicated is one of my French ones, if I want to Manage My Store/Gerer Ma Boutique, I have to go to .co.uk to do that…)
Er, dunno – I just looked at the latest invoice – €10,50.
The U.S. monthly sub is $15.95 (= €10.22 at today’s rate.)
France help pages actually found me the relevant page this time and apparently basic boutiques are €9.95 – maybe H.T.
So I fink it’s about the same anyway.
Just add the domain extension (.com,.Au, etc.)to your store URL and it will pull up your International stores.
Sue just use the .com extension to your Shop URL and whola you have a US Store
They are just not indexed in search. But you can register them with google etc.
Thanks Randy, I know about the URL manipulation, I think the question came up more for the freebies 😀 Plus you have to be on the right site to manage your store, and if you have a UK store but mainly sell to French people, for example, that means all your auto-generated emails go out in English and link to .co.uk… not good.
Plus, if I go to the .com versions of my stores, they actually show no goods at all because I don’t ship outside the EU. I know I’m not the only one to have done that and panicked about where all my listings had gone 😆