eBay Motors in Australia are partnering with Drive.com.au in a deal which will see aff_link("https://www2.ebay.com/aw/au/200804291053552.html","eBay Motors listings appear on drive.com.au","","UK"); ?> and vice versa.
Working with dealers to list their entire inventory on eBay is nothing new, the GM partnered with eBay in an agreement to list their entire inventory of used motors on eBay. This is the first time I’m aware of that eBay Motors has partnered with a classified site in a deal to share listings. I’m trying to imagine what eBay Motors UK would look like if they were to do a similar deal with Auto Trader – I imagine motors traders would be quite vocal about the influx of listings, although exposure on another site would be a bonus.
At the end of the day anything that increases exposure of the eBay brand, and of eBay listings has to be good news – partnering with classified sites is an interesting development.
To support the deal eBay Motors Australia are about to launch a aff_link("https://cars2.ebay.com.au/","revamped site","","UK"); ?> which is currently in beta.