There are some stories where you’re just waiting for the “eBay angle” to pop out…
Dr Who fans will remember the Adipose, little creatures made from human fat which appeared in the first episode of series 4. They were small, and cute, and just ripe for making knitted versions (and knitted ones were used on set), and so one enterprising fan did just that. Mazzmatazz carried knitting patterns for the Adipose, and the Ood, which she gave away freely. But some unscrupulous people were taking those free patterns and selling them on eBay. So the BBC got upset and sent Mazzmatazz a cease and desist letter, demanding that she remove the patterns from her website.
Though many people accused the BBC of being heavy-handed, they insist that they were just protecting their trademark. And it seems that the story may be about to have a happy ending; Mazz’s website now says “I am currently discussing matters with the BBC 🙂 “.
Image from Mazzmatazz used under Creative Commons licence.