Browsing the computing category today I was amazed to find (albeit hidden away right at the bottom of the page) an advert saying Find computing items on Gumtree.
Up until now Gumtree has been the black sheep of the eBay family. It’s an eBay owned company that no one at eBay ever seems to mention. After all eBay are in the business of paid adverts so a part of the company that gives adverts away for free is a bit of an anomaly. Encouraging eBay buyers and sellers to trade with no cut for the company just doesn’t sit well with the bean counters 😉
I’ve never seen a Gumtree advert on eBay before, at least not one which encourages buyers to click to make a purchase, but if you see a similar advert in categories you trade in I’d certainly drop a listing or two on Gumtree.
If you’ve not yet tried Gumtree as a seller you should, it works well with free listing, no final value fees and it gives a pretty good return on the time invested too.
5 Responses
Are your Gumtree ads still bringing in buyers, Chris?
I had to cancel them all when I ran out of stock 😆
I’ll be throwing a few more up when I get back from eBay Live! Although I couldn’t live off the income from them they are definately worth the little effort it takes 🙂
I tried it and gots lots of visits to my other website. I forgot to set up a goal converstion thingie on my stats, so can’t say for certain how many sales came directly from it.
Will try it again soon.
I found my original job at eBay in 2001 on Gumtree. They were saving £££ on hiring then!
Gumtree worked for me quite well when I advertised my computer repair service on it, I got a fair lot of enquiries and will be running the ad again.
I have never tried to sell an item on it though.