eBay.com are postponing implementation of their new policy banning links from About Me pages to sellers’ websites. According to the most recent Power Up! email newsletter, which is sent out to PowerSellers registered on .com,
the policy announced in May covering links in sellers’ listings or other eBay pages will not be enforced. Instead, we’ll be announcing a clearer and more comprehensive links policy in mid August.
No corresponding policy was ever announced for eBay UK, so it’s still not clear if there will be a change here, and if so, what it will be.
At eBay Live, Brian Burke stated that the new links policy had probably been announced prematurely: certainly there were many unanswered questions that even eBay staff I talked to seemed to need clarification on. It seems that eBay may have changed their minds, for example, on links to non-transactional pages.
Of course, none of this will be much comfort to sellers who spent hours last month changing their listings to comply with the new policy. eBay have now aff_link("https://www2.ebay.com/aw/core/200807111503472.html","put out an announcement board post","links","UK"); ?> confirming that implementation of the policy is being delayed, and that once the new version goes live, sellers will have a four week grace period to amend their listings. Sellers will also not be required to specify shipping prices until August, when improved bulk editing tools will be available to make changes more easily.
Via Skip.
4 Responses
Excellent news. Gives us all more time to create mirror websites without prices shown (to comply with eBay sales retention policy).
We can still use eBay to create sales leads for our websites, albeit one step removed. Of course we will all use Google AdSense to make sure our info-only sites generate sufficent income to pay for themselves, and use AdWords to offset Google Checkout on our “real” websites…
Does anyone have an understanding of policy when listing on the UK with international site visibility?
I know if you list on .com you have to follow .com policy – but what happens when you list on eBay.co.uk with the international visibility upgrade so that your listing appears on eBay.com?
I do not have a clue!!!!
And I upgrade around 50% with ISV.
US sales ok just now so will let it ride.
This is great news for sellers that user the power of eBay traffic to build their own sites/mailing lists.
Good for eBay listening to its users!!!