Get Safe Online wins Nominet Best Practice award

The Get Safe Online website, sponsored by the government and businesses including eBay, has won the 2008 Nominet Best Practice award for Personal Safety Online.

The judges praised their entry “as an excellent example of collaboration and multi-stakeholder involvement in a national awareness campaign and felt it was worth of recognition so that other countries could copy this model”.

The Get Safe Online team spread the message of Internet safety through awareness campaigns and initiatives such as their quiz to check your knowledge of online safety.

4 Responses

  1. It’s a good site, but I think it emphasizes a key problem – technology is just too complicated!

    If I showed the “beginners guide” to my mother she would give up in about 30 seconds. People don’t want to become what they will see as a security expert to do a bit of online shopping.

    The technology industry needs to do a LOT more to help people out here – protect them without them even knowing they are being protected.

  2. It’s a great site but it helps emphasize an important point – technology is just too complicated!

    If I showed the “beginners guide” to my mother she would give up in about 10 seconds. People don’t want to become what they will see as a security expert to do a bit of online shopping.

    The technology industry needs to do a LOT more to help people here – protect them by default and without them knowing they are being protected, as with credit cards.



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