eBay UK testing new view item page

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Following yesterday’s announcement on .com, eBay UK have now announced testing of a new design for the view item page. From their description, it sounds very similar to the .com one; the promised “preview” function for sellers to see what their items will look like, however, seems to be missing as of time of writing. The test is promised to last for at least four weeks. More information as we discover it: if you’ve managed to get a preview on eBay.co.uk, let us know what you think.

13 Responses

  1. Hey everyone,

    I was poking around the other night and found a site: http://www.ebaywatchblog.com

    There are is a very interesting rumor at the top…. check it out. I don’t know if it’s valid but it could prove interesting


  2. Hmm. Not much of a rumour – “fees are going to change, we don’t know what, we don’t know when”. 🙄

    Also… “you were poking around”? I think that’s your site, Dan LOL

    You’ve doubtless seen the thread on the UK PowerSeller board where someone’s account manager has said changes are coming next week. We’ll all just have to wait and see.

  3. In the UK announcement eBay mention

    “Our test will last for at least 4 weeks to allow you to adjust your listings as necessary”

    Which seems to hint at an October implementation date.

  4. …….. which is also the time when eBay has to renew/change/cancel the ‘free’ uk gallery,

    …….. and is when the new Postage, despatch and return option changes are implemented

    .. and it’s the start of a new financial quarter…


  5. “Our test will last for at least 4 weeks to allow you to adjust your listings as necessary”

    Sorry having a blonde moment…If it’s a test doesn’t that mean it’s a test? how do I know what to change my listings to? Surely you have to get the results 1st?

  6. Looked for the preview, couldn’t find it, called our ebay account manager (actually found her at her desk!). She couldn’t see it either and said that they probably hadn’t started rolling it out yet, end of chat…

    Good point Whirly (#5)… Should they not proceed on the basis of the test result?

  7. Got this from my account manager

    Hello All again

    Just a quick follow up on the email below.

    eBay will be making some major announcements on the 19th and 20th of this month, could I ask you to pay particular attention to the notice boards and check on http://www.tamebaynew.wpengine.com on these days. The announcements will be very positive for professional business sellers.

  8. But not all business sellers are powersellers. There is a difference between the announcement being for powersellers, or for all professional sellers which would be all sellers registered as businesses.

  9. #7 It look like the announcement for .com has been made, I expect the UK with a few variations will follow later;





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