Lest UK sellers think they were alone in being given no help from eBay with changes to the VAT rate, eBay Ireland have aff_link("https://www2.ebay.com/aw/uk/200811271515522.html","put out an announcement regarding their own VAT changes","ieVAT","UK"); ?> which is almost a cut and paste copy of the UK one. Irish VAT increases from 21% to 21.5% on Monday 1st December, and as is the case for UK sellers, Irish eBayers will have to individually amend listings without sales, or end and relist items with sales/bids, in order to be able to edit the VAT rate quoted.
The announcement about changes in the VAT rate was made in October, so eBay Ireland have had even longer to come up with a more useful solution than the week that Alastair Darling gave eBay UK. Irish sellers will no doubt draw their own conclusions from the timing of this announcement, one working day before the VAT change goes live: could it have only been prompted by the change in the UK rate?
One small improvement on the Irish announcement: the patronising tag line
With strong competition and early discounting coming from the high street this Christmas season we know buyers are now, more than ever, being attracted to great value bargains.
which concluded the British one has been omitted.