25% off FVF for UK DVD sellers

No primary category set

From 27th January all DVD listings must offer at least one domestic postage service with free P&P. As , eBay are running a promotion giving . The promotion runs from 27th January until 31st March 2009.

In order to qualify for the FVF discount the following conditions must be met for the listing to be classed as offering “Free Post”:

  • Domestic postage needs to be set to “Flat: Same cost to all buyers”
  • The first domestic postage service needs to be specified and ‘0’ needs to be entered into the £ cost field or the “Free P&P” tick box needs to be ticked.
  • Insurance must either not be required or have its cost set to zero
  • Postage service should not be “Local Delivery/Pick Up” or “Other”
  • There cannot be any surcharges
  • If the listing is a multiple item listing, the postage cost for additional items must also be zero
  • There are a few exclusions, the most notable of which are Dutch Auctions (multiple item auction style listings).

    Whilst the discount will be welcomed by DVD sellers many will be about to start the process of editing listings to offer free post. Prices will probably rise in the category to compensate so the reduction in fees should make the change revenue neutral to eBay. The big question is will the discount become permanent at some point in the future?

8 Responses

  1. Classic bait & switch tactic.
    Lure the suckers in and then flip them over.
    Special offer will end to be replaced by some other ‘offer’ (maybe) by which time it will too late for sellers in that category.
    Sellers will end up paying more one way or the other to Ebay via increased FVF volumes and suffer reduced profit as P&P margin eliminated.
    Anybody reckoning they will make up the difference by increasing sales volumes is dreaming.
    Nice on eBay!

  2. It will only be a matter of time before Greedbay insist on “FREE” P+P on ALL items and Paypal only so that they can squeeze every last penny out of you

    What ever happened to Ebay Being “Just a venue”….YEAH, RIGHT OH !….Only when it suits !

    I stopped selling 5 months ago to sell on another site….sales way down….Profits UP !!….Now what does that tell you ??

    Ebay had had it, it’s name is in the gutter where it deserves to be and all of those egotistic fools at the top have sat back and watched it struggle with their CRAZY changes

    Now they are blaming in on this “credit crunch”….But Ebay should be BOOMING in this climate and not BOMBING

  3. I would welcome free P&P on all listings. I am always amazed at how many people spend more than they need to by buying cheaper items with expensive post fees that total more than my items. People generally are not good at maths.

  4. I wouldn’t have a problem with free p&p if it was compulsary, but until then we have to compete with the low item price high postage cowboys. Atleast the’Postage and packaging charges’ DSR would go. The ones who loose out are buyer of multiple items unless we offer a percentage discount on more than one item

  5. Percentage discounts = total headache (to me anyway). In my opinion postage should be at the discretion at the seller. The DSR’s should work to move postage cowboys down the search ranking.

  6. Special offer will end to be replaced by some other ‘offer’

    Not necessarily, remember last year’s free gallery promotion? Now permanent.

  7. could not agree with jimbo more ,ebay have invested time and effort into DSRs why not use them to full advantage,
    rather than a draconian you have no choice approach

  8. ebay is acting desperately to get its sellers back, but who chases them away in the 1st place anyway?! Here’s a clue, it’s starts by e and ends by bay, who is it?
    Stay away and don’t come back, don’t let them fool ya one more time.


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