eBay charity donations up 20% in 2008

Last year eBay buyers and sellers helped raise over $36m for charity which is up almost 20% on the previous year. Despite (or maybe because of!) the tough economic times sellers are increasing their charity donations with almost 1.5 million people supporting their favourite good causes.

There are really two basic reasons for sellers to use eBay for Charity (or Giving Works as it’s known in the US) – firstly because they genuinely believe in the work the charity performs and wish to assist. There are thousands of eBay sellers who only sell on the site to raise funds to assist worthy causes.

The other reason is because it makes business sense. By listing an item with a percentage donated to charity the item gets more exposure through promotions on the site – auctions often reach a higher final value and charity generated page views result in a greater sell through rate for fixed price items.

I have to admit that I use eBay for charity for the later reason, although the charities I chose to support are for the former. For me it’s purely a business decision to use eBay for charity to increase profits, but the causes that benefit are ones I wholeheartedly support.

Congratulations to the many staff who work for eBay Giving Works, eBay for Charity and Missionfish for making the program such a success. Without them eBay buyers and sellers would never be able to raise the enormous sums that they do.

7 Responses

  1. I read about this earlier on ebayinkblog, is it only US charities that benefit?

    It’s a great achievement by eBay, but to get my interest the needy would have to be closer to home.

  2. #1 These numbers are for the US from eBay Giving Works. In the UK the program is called eBay for Charity. Basically when you list with either program you choose the charity you’d like to benefit and the majority of charities available in the UK are UK based charities.

    You can choose a charity to support on the eBay for charity website

  3. #2 Blimey, so the amount worldwide is much bigger than $36 Million, thats very impressive.

    This is the kind of press eBay desperately needs, not only is it making bundles of cash it is also assiting charity in a big way, ok so we all get screwed on a montly basis but thats part of the game, if eBay didnt try and stiff me at least once a month I think I would start to worry.

    Be nice to turn on the news and hear about how well online retailers are doing instead of only hearing about B&M firms who borrowed and spent to much and now can’t afford the rent & wages and are now going bust. (sorry OT moan)

  4. Charity
    many governments have just donated billions to their banking systems , and charities are bigger players in the financial markets than many banks

  5. I would rather give a fiver to the guy in the shop doorway with his dog .
    at least I know the dog will get fed as its a business asset.
    and I would be contributing to the local economy


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