I’ve always considered myself fortunate that I’ve been able to run a business on eBay, along with the freedom that it gives compared to a full time job. In today’s economic market many individuals and businesses are struggling financially and in recognition of this John Pemberton and myself have decided to give something back.
We’re going to hold a free to attend seminar in Reading, to enable local people and businesses to come and find out more about running an online business, both on and off eBay.
Speakers from companies including Royal Mail, Lloyds Bank and Business Link are supporting the event. As well as the formal presentation part of the evening there will also be a “Speed Dating” event, giving all attendees the opportunity to speak personally to senior director level managers from the companies presenting.
Covering everything from writing a business plan and raising finance, making money online, how to use rich media to best present your products, the best ways to get goods to your customers and where to turn for additional business guidance this is an ideal event for all online sellers
If you’re in the Thames Valley region, on the evening of June 5th, you’re more than welcome to attend, and of course if you have friends or colleagues in the area interested in starting or expanding an online business please feel free to invite them to the event.
Places are limited to 50 people, but you can sign up at Start to Sell Online
8 Responses
is this for new sellers or existing sellers?????
Hi Simon, either – both should get something worthwhile from the evening.
It’s intended for either existing online businesses or for people intending to start an online business. The only people it’s not really suitable for is private sellers just wanting to sell some personal possessions on eBay, although they’d be welcome to come along if starting an online business is of interest.
Great idea to do this, Chris. Will twitter a link to you now.
Hope event goes well.
vzaar will be there and look forward to joining the debate! If it helps we’ll be speaking from a perspective of the impact that video can bring to sellers regardless of what marketplace or site they sell in.
See you there perhaps?
Hey Chris
Looks good and thinking of coming along.
One thing I would say is that out of all the speakers there isn’t anyone there speaking about website sales, mainly about ebay etc. I think for the future if you think about doing this again I would consider including someone to talk about having your own site and its importance.
Hi Stuart
The venerable Dan Wilson will be covering “how to make money online” which will include multi-channel etc. Although eBay will be there they will be the only speaker who’s entirely focused on eBay.
Good point though, and we’ll definitely keep it at the front of our thoughts for planning future events. We might also need to tweak our messaging.
Be really good to see you there if you can make it 🙂
Just to add, I will be speaking about how to drive sales, along with other technical aspects of selling on ebay, amazon and eshops on the round table discussions.
Thanks for the comments todate here.
Hope it goes well Chris I would have been there if we still lived in Chiswick. Perhaps you might think of expanding north – we now live in Cumbria which is a far cry and population a bit thin on the ground but Newcastle is a thriving centre