Today’s Deal of the Day for the aff_link("","Polaroid Pogo Mobile Colour Printer with Photo Paper","","UK"); ?> for just £19.99 was the most successful offer to date on eBay UK.
With a retail of £99.99 the offer proved just too good to miss, and whilst I was at ChannelAdvisor Insite today I saw just how irresistible it was. My laptop was kept busy with attendees and speakers logging into their eBay accounts to make purchases.
The seller was aff_link("","benthamltd","","UK"); ?> who is a Powerseller with feedback of 63,416 and the 6,500 printers sold in just under 8 hours. That’s one printer sold every 4 seconds!
Personally I love the Deal of the Day and I’ve bought a few of them. If eBay carry on finding sellers to offer great deals at fantastic prices there are going to be a lot of happy buyers out there spreading the word and telling their friends what a great deal they got on eBay.
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