If you’re after an unusual trinket to decorate your garden Brighton & Hove City Council have an unusual set of nostalgia for sale – The old metal sign posts from around the city have been listed on eBay.
There’s a choice of 11 sign posts to bid on, with a variety of destinations on the fingers and all profits will go back into the council budget.
So if you’ve got a use for a aff_link("https://shop.ebay.co.uk/brightonandhovecitycouncil/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=","3½ meter sign post pointing to various destinations in and around Brighton","","UK"); ?> feel free to bid. Be warned though the signs show considerable evidence of weather exposure and general wear and tear (I’ll take that to mean about a zillion dogs have used them as toilets!) and there’s a warning that you’ll need heavy lifting equipment collect them.
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