Ever thought how great it would be to have someone else cook Christmas dinner, put up the tree and all the decorations, and then serve a sumptuous seven course meal for you and all your friends and family?
Well if you’ve got upwards for £25k to spend you can have just that, along with a champagne breakfast Warwick Castle. Catering for up to 30 guests aff_link("https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Christmas-Day-at-Warwick-Castle-FOR-SALE_W0QQitemZ150395737566QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_3?hash=item230448d5de","Christmas day at Warwick Castle","","UK"); ?> is for auction on eBay. There will be a team of servants to ensure you don’t have to lift a finger, presents around the Christmas tree, a visit from Santa and later in the day a fireworks show.
All proceeds from the auction will benefit Merlin’s Magic Wand through eBay for Charity.
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