Yesterday eBay had a Daily Deal for a aff_link("","Swissler","","UK"); ?> Cutlery Set, priced at £59.99 it appeared a great deal compared to the claimed £600.00 RRP. It’s a great discount, but is a cutlery set really worth £600.00 and would it really be offered at such as massive discount?
Google is of course the de facto place to go to research a product, and that’s just what TameBay reader aff_link("","Peter of Ticket Wiz","","UK"); ?> did. He searched for Swissler Cutlery on Google but I would NOT recommend clicking on any of the search results. Almost all the Google results point directly to virus sites and unless you have up to date anti-virus protection on your computer the sites will download and install malware onto your PC.
Many of the Google search results appear to point to innocent enough looking URLs, but they redirect to totally different website where the viruses attempt to infect your computer.
I should emphasis that the aff_link("","Swissler Cutlery Daily Deal","","UK"); ?> listing page on eBay is totally safe. Just don’t research the product on Google!
Updated to add: I’ve been sent a link to the GENUINE (virus free!) Swissler website where the cutlery is indeed on sale at RRPs even higher than the £600 quoted in the Daily Deal.
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