eBay Daily Deals relaunched this morning after taking a break for Christmas and the New Year. The break doesn’t appear to have dented buyers enthusiasm as they’ve already sold well over aff_link("https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hanson-HXM50-Glass-Electronic-Memory-Bathroom-Scales_W0QQitemZ360222763081QQcategoryZ33166QQcmdZViewItem","Electronic Memory Bathroom Scales","","UK"); ?>.
The weekly deals are also back in place with a aff_link("https://deals.ebay.co.uk/","selection of offers in","","UK"); ?> Fashion, Technology and, inevitably for the New Year, Health & Fitness.
It’s good to see the deals back. I’m not in the market for bathroom scales but if anyone wants to buy me the aff_link("https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Digital-Camera-Starter-Kit_W0QQitemZ300378282507QQcategoryZ29994QQcmdZViewItem","digital camera starter kit","","UK"); ?> I’m in the market for a mini-tripod and it’s my birthday later this month 😉
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