eBay UK has announced that, as of Monday, they will start testing advertising on the view item pages of “a small percentage” of listings belonging to private sellers. aff_link("https://www2.ebay.com/aw/uk/201002161146572.html","The announcement is careful to point out","viewitemads","UK"); ?> that these are eBay listings for which the seller has not paid an insertion fee – and also mentions “relevant” ads. aff_link("https://actualites.ebay.fr/showitem&id=529","Similar tests are being run on some listings on eBay France.","viewitemads","FR"); ?>
We’ll obviously have more on this when the ads actually start running. But if I were a betting man, I’d put several quid on a call that this “test” won’t – in the long run – be limited to private sellers who are getting free listings.
3 Responses
Makes me think ebay must give some credence to the ” I paid for this listing so dont advertise on it” argument.
Ebays idea of relevant and the rest of the worlds is normally very far apart.
“…if I were a betting man, I’d put several quid on a call that this “test” won’t – in the long run – be limited to private sellers who are getting free listings.”
What are the odds? ‘Cos I’m willing to put some money on that, too.