It’s the General eBay-lection

Can you predict the outcome of the General Election from eBay UK listings? I’m going to say no, you can’t – but that isn’t going to stop me adding to the plethora of polls around the place today with a quick look at what’s being sold under the names of the three main parties and their leaders.

As Gordon Brown left the Palace, listings stood at
Labour: 649
Conservatives: 284
Lib Dems: 34

The real result isn’t going to be anything like that decisive (insert boo/cheer of your choice here) – but in the 2008 US Presidential Election, eBay listings got it right predicting Barak Obama as the eventual winner. Will party activists be too busy knocking on doors to list on eBay, or will an army of opportunistic sellers jump in to breach that gap? Only the next four weeks will tell.

It is, as Peter Snow would doubtless say, just a bit of fun

In an attempt to counter the inevitable accusations of bias, I’d like to say that amongst your TameBay editors is one unrepentant Thatcherite and one slightly-repentant Blairite. Any Lib Dems, Greens or UKIPpers in the house are welcome to write a guest post to restore balance.

7 Responses

  1. As a fully paid up member of the Apathy party, I would like to say that I have made a scientific survey of items mentioning the election but not mentioning any of the above…

    1,222 items means that we will be in a complete state of anarchy by end of next week….

  2. So labour are clearing out their attics already? That’s a bit defeatist XD

    I suppose they need a new vocation, 4 weeks notice is enough for any body 🙂


    Labour: 649………….With that many listings, kind-of-tells-you that many sellers are getting out now, before it’s too late & there no market for their stuff….


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