SIIA, (The Software & Information Industry Association) has expanded their operation to Europe and have filed three lawsuits against online sellers in Germany and the United Kingdom who sold counterfeit or unauthorized copies of Adobe software on eBay.
Set up three years ago SIIA act for companies Adobe, McAfee, Quark, Corel and Symantec in an industry-wide campaign to fight software and content piracy. As well as relying on reports they also trawl the Internet to find sellers of counterfeit software. In the past three years SIIA have filed over 100 lawsuits against illegal online merchants dealing in illegal software.
When SIIA started out they were US based, but since January they have been quietly monitoring European sellers and the three cases filed against the German and UK sellers mark the public start of their operation in Europe. If you think you’ve purchased illegal software (or seen it for sale) you can report it to SIIA on their website