eBay Listing Analytics tool now live

eBay are now rolling out the Listings Analytics tool to UK users, although it may be some time before you see the new tab in My eBay. There appears to be a few glitches and the tab has been randomly appearing and disappearing for the last few hours but the tool should soon be stable for all users.

My first impression of the tool is that it’s quite good at highlighting performance differences for your own listings. It highlights listings that are performing well against listings that aren’t attracting as many impressions and sales. What the tool doesn’t do is highlight the reasons why some listings that aren’t performing so well. It’s still down to you to determine which keywords top performing listing titles contain that aren’t in you listing titles and what keywords you do have which aren’t attracting clicks and sales.

There is a link to some tips on how to interpret the data and steps you can do take increase your listing’s performance, but these are basic housekeeping rules that all sellers should be following when they list their items.

Where the tool is less useful is comparing your listings against similar items on eBay. It’s only possible to drill down to the top level eBay categories (for me that’s “Computing”) and so when looking at my listings for items such as “Printers” I’m comparing my listings for printers against competitors listings for printer cables, printer toner & ink, printer paper, OHP acetates and every other printer accessory on eBay. That means the click and sell through rates aren’t really relevant to my listings, the tool would be much more useful if I could drill down the category structure to ensure I am comparing like for like.

One of the most useful features of the tool is a quick and easy way to see the position of your listings in search results. If you’re rank is under 50 then you know you’re on the first page of search results and you should be getting plenty of impressions. If you’re not getting clicks then your title or gallery picture isn’t attracting buyers. If you’ve got a high position in search results and are attracting clicks but not converting the clicks to sales then it’s probably your listing description or T’s & C’s that need attention.

As the Listing Analytics tool has only been intermittently available today I’m sure there are plenty of other features and information to assist sellers. If you’ve subscribed let us know what your first impressions are and what the Listing Analytics tool has revealed to help you increase your sales on eBay.

15 Responses

  1. Can you provide a URL for this? Is it on .com or .co.uk? I’m also surprised this works for UK sellers because I assumed it was developed using the Best Match API which is limited to EBAY-US.

  2. I have listings now but apparently I’ve never sold anything, my guess is they are going to drip feed it to me to keep me interested…and on that note I’m going back to bed.

  3. I have the tab and the listings are shown but they all have nil values, so presume i am useless

  4. Doesn’t work for me either, on most attempts I get “You currently have no active listings to review.”, on one I got a table of listings but with nil values throughout.

  5. Hmmm, got this also and won’t work all I get is

    “An error has occurred: “The session does not contain seller name”
    Please return to My eBay and log into the application again. ”

    Well done ebay, something else that don’t work.

  6. Clicking o the bar chart next to the listing provides a message which explains the lack of data

    Performance data is displayed from the date of relist or Good ‘Til Cancelled (GTC) renewal

  7. I can’t send any messages today and also it is still saying I take 4-6 to send an item.

    Ebay is really getting on my nerves at the moment.

  8. We sell low value items in huge qty’s. Always sell 100’s of units / day.

    Today we haven’t sold anything for hours. 10:39 was last sale.

    We have never gone this long without a sale before. Something is definately causing issues with ebay today.

  9. It is working now with all the information fully present. It does actually make for an interesting read.

    Some of my sell through rates are well above 100%. That is more items sell than visits received. That for me is evidence that eBay search does not work that well as once folk find my gear they appear to be very keen to buy!

    If items sell that well they should sell out quickly but they don’t. Simply not enough traffic even though my offer for certain gear is the lowest price on eBay.

  10. This shows how reliable analytics is……

    I sorted mine by sell through rate %. Top was an item with a 200% rating. It has had 1 click and sold 2, which were to 2 different ebayers. How on earth can 2 people buy my item if only one person clicked on it.

    I won’t be relying on analytics.



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