Bulk edit and Selling Manager Pro updates

The old version of the Bulk Edit form is due to be retired on the 8th March. Many sellers will already be using the new version where many attributes can be edited in-line. If you want to try out the new version before it’s mandatory there’s a link to opt in and out of the new bulk edit experience at the top of the page.

There will also be some changes to Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro sold items view. These changes will be minor and shouldn’t affect how you work (at least I’m hoping not!) but will mirror the changes already in place in the Active Items and Unsold Items views. The biggest change that I can see is that each item will take up less vertical space on the page. The changes will roll out gradually during March, so don’t be surprised when you wake up to a different looking screen one day.

Updated to add: The changes to Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro will now roll out in May (not March)

2 Responses

  1. I’ve been using this for ages now, in the 8 years I have been on eBay this has been the most useful thing I remember them doing.

  2. The new Bulk Edit version ticks all the right boxes except one, unless i haven’t figured it out yet!!

    Once you have made all the edits, when you go to submit, you cant select to save the edits to SMP templates.



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