eBay India have launched their first Mobile Web Solution. Although it’s still in Beta, it demonstates that not only is mobile ultra important to eBay but that usage of mobile solutions for web browsing is spreading to all quarters of the globe.
Smartphone sales in India were up 294% in Q3 2010 from the same period last year and 3G services are being rolled out so it’s a great time for eBay to start serving mobile buyers. To get started with eBay Mobile Beta (there’s no eBay app) users simply enter m.ebay.in into their mobile browsers. This is the same as the first mobile solution eBay had in the UK, which can still be accessed at wap.ebay.co.uk.
The downside of the Beta is that there’s no full integration with Indian seller’s My eBay. During the Beta phase sellers will be notified of m.ebay.in sales by email/call will have a separate seller interface to fulfil orders through. The good news is within a few months there will be sign in support for mobile sales.
eBay India SMS
eBay India have also launched a price book service via SMS. To find the price of any item on eBay India just send your search to 567678 in the format ‘EBAY