Amazon is the most reputable company in the US as judged by their customers.
A study by Reputation Institute in conjunction with with Forbes Media measured respondents’ trust, admiration, esteem and good feeling to form a single score which revealed that Americans have the strongest amount of trust, admiration, respect and good feeling for Amazon.
Amazon moved up from position 21 in 2010 to the number one position this year.
The study included 32,946 responses from online consumers in January and February 2011. Each company in the study received a rating of up to 100 and Amazon scored 82.70, eBay was ranked at number 81 in the study with a score of 67.16.
2 Responses
Looking at the chart with all the various companies marked I noticed that Kraft Foods are very high. I find myself wondering if a similar survey was to be carried out in the UK Fraft Foods would also be highly rated or would the fiasco over Cadbury’s affect their rating in the UK? I also wonder if the fact that this was an “Online Survey” might affect the results. By definition an “Online Survey” can only come from within the “Online Community” so while accepting that in the US the “Online Community” is a high proportion of the total community it is not 100% so must cause a certain amount of bias in the results. Also 32,946 responces in a country the size of the USA is not exactly a massive percentage so perhaps should be ignored as being too small to be scientific.