eBay have relaunched their Certified Provider Program and slashed the number of certified providers to just 15 companies. There are new criteria, requirements and benefits to become (or remain!) a member of the program in an aim to make it more relevant to eBay users.
New criteria for becoming an eBay Certified Provider
- Marketplace Impact: We select eBay developers who are impacted the most by eBay changes and who can make the most impact on your business.
- Customer Satisfaction: Don’t take our word for it. We gauge customer satisfaction through annual customer surveys and ongoing product review.
- Feature Support: Certified Providers must support the features you need the most to be a part of the program.
This does of course lead to the question what’s happened to all of the other “old” eBay Certified Providers? For instance WorldWide Brands have been a Certified eBay provider for as long as I can remember and still appear as such on the eBay site as well as carrying the logo on their own website. Doba and JDT Technologies are also long time eBay Certified Providers gone from the list with many more companies also missing.
There is a new eBay Certified Provider program landing page, but to be honest if you want more information the old Certified Provided landing page is more useful with a lot more information, although surprisingly not a mention that the program has been relaunched.
The official new eBay Certified Providers are: Auctiva, Channeladvisor, Cloud Conversion, Frooition, GarageSale, Infopia, InkFrog, Kyozou, Mercent, Monsoon, Seller SourceBook, ShipRush, ShipWorks, Terapeak and Vendio. I’m guessing that those companies not on this list are going to be pretty annoyed at being kicked out of the program. Are your favourite eBay utilities still in the eBay Certified Provider program?
9 Responses
A little bird told me that a few have ‘left’ and not been kicked out because there were dissatisfied with the programme.
JDT Technologies specializes in the development of CUSTOM eBay programming solutions. The Ebay Certified Provider program has been reconfigured to include only vendors of packaged software solutions; specifically those servicing multitudes of sellers. Since we craft custom solutions, each tailored to the specific needs of a particular eBay seller, we no longer qualify to participate in the program. But we do continue to work very closely with eBay on many levels, to insure that our solutions support all aspects of the eBay/PayPal platform.
were certified as being barmy
Customer Satisfaction?
Is that why Channeladvisor and Frooition are there? 😉
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