Royal Mail to employ 18,000 temps this Christmas

If you know of anyone looking for temporary work in the run up to Christmas then tell them to speak to Royal Mail. They have just announced that they’ll be taking on 18,000 temps (15,000 in England) to cope with the Christmas rush to augment their 130,000 permanent workers.

This is 2,000 less workers than last year and temps will work between mid-November and early January sorting Christmas cards and parcels. Royal Mail expect to be sorting more than 130 million items each day – about double their normal mail volumes and will doubtless be announcing more plans to cope with Christmas and contingencies in case last year’s inclement weather repeats itself.

If you’re thinking of applying get in quick – last year there were 70,000 applicants for the temporary positions and with the economy and increased unemployment competition for jobs is likely to be even more fierce this year. Flexibility on shifts and the locations you’re willing to work at are likely to be key to successfully winning a place.

You can apply for the temporary Royal Mail vacancies on the Royal Mail website.

12 Responses

  1. Earlier in the year I stood for election to Brighton and Hove City Council. I was out delivering stuff for weeks on end. Better than the gym.

    Between my small team we delivered tens of thousands of leaflets. And that was in Feb/Mar/Apr/May.

    I have nothing but admiration for the honest folk who do most of the delivery for Royal Mail.Especially in the snow we are increasingly having in December all over the nation.

    Everyone has a bum story. But I admire my postie and note that the bills and demands ALWAYS arrive on time. ;o)


  2. I wasn’t elected, no. I stood for Labour and was beaten by Greens.

    I assume from your post your will stand for the LibDems. Good luck with that. ;O)


  3. Tell you another funny story. In about 1974 I moved to a Village just outside St Neots in Cambridgeshire. I could not find the local Liberal Party so asked HQ for a contact address. A couple of evenings later there was a knock at the door. It was a representative of the Local Party. They had been told to get in contact with me immediately and co-opt me onto the Executive. I soon learnt that in St Neots there was just 2 members. Me and a bloke who had done nothing for 20 years. The Party agreed to supply me with Membership Leaflets which as soon as I had them I stamped my name and address on the back as the contact details and then delivered. Within 12 months I had an active Branch of over 100 Members. A short time later I had done something and was to be disciplined(I always seemed to be falling out with somebody or other(still happens today) the only problem was that my Branch turned up in numbers and vetoed it(It was really funny to see the faces of those who expected to discipline me when all my Members turned up and voted against the measure(years later I discovered that a few of my Members also refused to join the LibDems when I met some of them at a Liberal Party Assembly(I had long since left St Neots and lost touch with them-I was back in Cornwall).

  4. Politicians:- The only people in the world that perfected the art of looking busy doing nothing and make it seem important.


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