If you’ve got an old iPod Nano hidden away in the back of a cupboard there’s some good news for you. Apple have just announced the battery in the first generation iPod Nano could be about to explode if you carry on using it so they’re going to swap it out for a free replacement.
Of course I’d hardly expect Apple to replace your iPod with a dirty old broken one and whilst they’ve made no promises of which model Apple will replace your first generation iPod Nano with, at the very least you’d expect it to be clean, shiny and almost certainly in better condition than your one. Plus the battery won’t blow up in the replacement.
Of course this is likely to drive up prices of the aff_link("https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=ipod+nano&_sacat=73839&_sop=15&LH_ItemCondition=2000|2500|3000&Generation=1st%2520Generation&_dmpt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_PortableAudio_MP3Players&_odkw=ipod+nano+-faulty&_osacat=73839&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313","first generation iPod Nano on eBay","","UK"); ?>. In fact it wouldn’t surprise me to see sellers pulling their listings if they realise they can get a free exchange direct from Apple and then sell the replacement. In the mean time get placing your bids for an old iPod Nano on eBay if you fancy your chances of swapping it for a replacement with Apple.
2 Responses
Yes!!! I have an old knackered 1st gen nano!
Thanks for this. I have an old 1st gen nano too and have just ordered a replacement